List of 13 Favorite Funny YouTube Videos

There are literally billions of videos on YouTube. Over the years, I’ve seen some very funny videos on there. There are some videos that I have watched numerous times and they always give me a laugh. This is a list of 13 videos that aren’t from network television or from any major movies or anything like that.

I know I’m missing a handful of videos, so this post will be updated whenever I remember one of those videos.  Of course I’ll add new ones I see as well.

“Look at all those…”

Of course we all laugh at kids – sometimes they make us feel so good about our adult selves!!  About once a year or so, I visit this video.  This little girl is just so mesmerized…and she doesn’t even know what she is mesmerized at!

“Go! Bwaaaah!!!”

I don’t know what’s worse – that we laugh at this kid or that there is a 10 minute video on YouTube of this video!  Great sound effects she did herself!

“You Know What This Means Vine”

Vine was great.  I still think Twitter could’ve integrated in to Twitter somehow instead of shutting down the service (luckily, the archive is still available).  These chaps find out that Staples has staples.  Then we find another store has what they want, and I couldn’t be more excited.


I remember seeing this video way back when it first came out.  The best part of this video is the mom.  This is truly a home video that will go down in history!

“CAN HE MOVE IT LIKE THIS – Pretty Raheem and Flynt Flossy”

Can he do it like this?  I don’t know….can her boyfriend even comprehend that some guy teleported himself and his girlfriend away?  After you finish the video / see the teleport sequence, make sure you check out the comments!  And check out Turquoise Jeep.  They are a good time.  I’ve seen them live twice!

“unforgivable #1”

When you first watch this video, you feel like this guy is serious.  I mean, until you hear the camera guy laugh.


Porn intros are sometimes the funniest things on the planet.  Extra cheesy (especially those pizza delivery ones) and completely implausible, you have to be the dantiest person on the planet to ever buy these intros 95% of the time.  Here, we have a couple girls who find a man IN A SKI MASK robbing them.  One calls the police.  One says he has something they could use.

“[SO FUNNY] Little Boy Getting Chased by hungry Chickens”

This video is hilarious on its own right.  If you’ve ever been chased by a hungry animal (I have my own story of a rotweiler chase), this video is even more hilarious.  If you’ve ever played Diablo 3 on Hell Hardcore mode, this video is one of the greatest videos you’ll ever see because you’ll identify with that kid so hard!

“Episode 101 – Cream In the Middle | The Studio Web Series”

OK, I’m a little biased with this one – my friends created this series and I even got to appear in one episode.  However, Jim here in the first episode is that perfect “so creepy its funny” kind of thing.  Also, he’s completely open to everyone, so that makes him a hero in my eyes.

“The Best Christmas Song (Jon Lajoie)”

The next time you are at your family/friends/work Christmas shindig, just tell everyone you have the best song to get everyone in the mood.  Thankfully, smart tvs are taking over the world, so you can pull this up on the YouTube app and let everyone see it extra large screen glory.  At the time of this post, if you type in “The Best Christmas Song”, it pops up as the second hit.  That’s amazing (grace)!

“Creed Shreds 3 You Sh!t Here With Me LIVE!.avi”

Scott Stapp couldn’t do it any better.

“Brotherly Love”

I feel like this is exactly what Mario would’ve been like after the first quarter of the original Super Mario Bros.  Luigi is done correctly here because Mario didn’t need his help all the time.

“Dog humping a old lady”

There are plenty of Dogs Humping People videos all over the internet.  If I had to pick a favorite one, this one would be it.  I think it has to do with the fact that this lady, after being brought down by the dog, the lady just assumes the position!!

Please leave your favorites in the comments or tweet them to me @BLoafX so I can take a gander at them!!!

Now go out there and make your own videos!!!

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