FTW – Faker Than Wrestling “Heroes” (Spoiler Alert)

“Well y’know, wrestling is fake.”

Shut up!

The hit four-season television series “Heroes” proves that television is more fake than professional wrestling.  It does so in one of the most climactic parts of the show – the climax at the end of the first season.  In true Dragonball Z fashion, Sylar does his “Ahhh!’ face while Hiro calls out his name, charges at him, then stabs him.

(I may rag on this show for its fakeness, but I absolutely love this shot.)

After Hiro yells “Sylar!” it takes a whole FIVE SECONDS for him to charge about 20 feet and then stab Sylar.  FAKE!  Sylar just stands there like a dumbass.  Fake.

To add on to it, some may argue “Well, Hiro just manipulated time while he charged!”  Shut up!

If you watch the shot right before Hiro stabs Sylar, Sylar anticipates the stab.  If Hiro manipulated time, Sylar wouldn’t have had time to anticipate it.  Also, Hiro does have control over his power, but not so much as he does in later seasons.

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