Essential Phone PH-1 – 128 GB Unlocked Titanium and Ceramic phone

Essential PH-1 Phone – 128 GB Unlocked Titanium and Ceramic phone

Essential PH-1 Phone

Nice, big screen going to the top and side edges!

Before I decided on the Essential PH-1 Phone, I looked at what other people were saying about it. I noticed the following two things:

1. People were LOVING it.
2. People were HATING it.

The “Loving” it crowd were loving it because they stuck it out. Being the company’s first and only phone (literally – there is no variant model, only the PH-1), Essential listened to their customers and actively updated their phone, which is why people loved them.

So I bought in, and I love the phone! The major downside to it is the camera app – it’s missing so many controls that are standard on a lot of phones nowadays. The cameras aren’t too shabby – just missing some things.

Is Now the Time to Buy the Essential PH-1 Phone?

Now, would it be wise to purchase this phone now? Well, there have been reports stating that Essential may have canceled its next phone and is focusing on other products.
Essential Founder had this to say on Twitter in May:

However, if you go to @Essential’s Twitter page, you can see the posts have slowed down dramatically over the last month and a half.

I hope they do make a second phone. I might even pay full price for it.

But why not a perfect rating?

Essential Vs. Verizon – Not a Great Working Relationship

Well, I’m not sure who is to blame here – Essential or Verizon. I’m on Verizon Prepaid and for the first week or so, service was pretty bad. After many tweets and a phone call, Verizon said to go get a new sim card for free, which was great.

Essential PH-1 Phone Back

Essential PH-1 Phone Back – Flash, Black and White Camera, Color Camera, Magnetic Connectors, Fingerprint Sensor

The new sim card worked much better, but there was still a handful of connection issues. Verizon told me that since the PH-1 isn’t a Verizon phone, it’s harder for them to tell what the problem is.

A restart of the Essential PH-1 phone solves the problem. However, last week, I was sending texts that weren’t sending, and I still have voicemail notifications that just appear without a phone call.

Overall, though, I have only minor complaints about a brand new company’s only cell phone. The way they listen to their customers, they can’t help but nail the second phone if it comes to fruition.

Final Essential Phone PH-1 Rating: 64 out of 69

Thank you for read my review of the Essential Phone PH-1!! Check out some of my other reviews while you are here if you’d like, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Bookmark Essential’s website for their latest!!

*****FULL DISCLOSURE***** My rating may be influenced at the price at which I purchased the PH-1.  I bought it on Prime Day 2018 for $249.99.

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