Dynapro Mini Resistance Bands
When I started working from home, I started to gain weight. Even though I’m still pretty fat, I have taken some actions to ensure I don’t get a fully formed dunlap.
Enter the Dynapro Mini Resistance Bands. Strategically placed, these bands can keep you from sitting around doing nothing.
Here Is Where I Have The DynaPro Mini Resistance Bands Placed
1. The “Light” one on my nightstand so when I wake up, I do a quick pulling
2. The “Medium” one on one toilet for when I go number 2
3. The “Heavy” one by the couch to pull when I’m watching too much TV
4. The “X-Heavy” one is on another toilet to help pass the time when I’m on the toilet
- Dynapro Mini Resistance Bands Extra Heavy for when things are tough on the toilet
- There’s nothing to wake you up like a light tugging.
- Useful on the Toilet
I don’t use them for “real” workouts. I got a kettlebell and just started DDPY for that. These are handy little resistance bands for a few bucks, but I am afraid to take them to their limit.
Final Dynapro Mini Resistance Bands Rating: 49 out of 69
Thank you for reading my review of DynaPro Mini Resistance Bands!! Check out some of my other reviews while you are here if you’d like, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!
Buy it on Amazon! https://amzn.to/2PQqral
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BLoafX.com has my life experiences which I hope can help guide you to making more educated decisions with your life. Here are some short descriptions of some of my pages:
The Army – Thinking about the Army or joining the military in general? Before you do, check out my page featuring some of my experiences and thoughts about the idea of the military. It can be about you, but it mostly is about people you will never meet.
Being a flight attendant – Easily the best job I’ve ever had; however, it isn’t for everyone. Check out some of my experiences and what it may take to be one.
College – Easily the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life. Completely wasted my G.I. Bill on an obsolete institution. More specifically, make sure to check out my list of blog posts about my experiences at The Art Institute.
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