Doorprop Commercial Doorstop

Doorprop Commercial Doorstop

I use to be a bellman on the Las Vegas Strip at a 3000+ room resort. The Doorprop Commercial Doorstop made life so much simpler when I was running bags in to and out of rooms.

Doorprop Commercial Doorstop

Doorprop Commercial Doorstop – Unfortunately, this is the commercial version, so it won’t fit in most of my doors at home 🙁 Well, it’ll fit, but not nicely!

To tell you how much these were coveted, whenever a bellman would leave a Doorprop anywhere…it wasn’t his any more. It was strange to know that I worked with that level of thievery, but I was in the Army and soldiers stole stuff from each other all the time, so I was use to the theft.

I had to buy one because I was one of those victims. Those couple weeks I went without it were terrible – having to use those floor wedges – I might as well just have stuck a fork in my thigh if I wanted to cause myself so much grief!

My favorite thing about the doorprops was when I was moving items from the cart into the room, a guest would try to shut the door, and when they couldn’t shut it, sometimes they would push so hard on the door it would rip the door off the hinges! Hahaha!!


The only reason I think they are so expensive is because they know they can sell them at that price. I mean, I’m not a rocket sceintist or anything, but I think it’s just rubber!  Their website,, does claim that it is made with “the highest quality rubber” though.

At the time this review was made, it was a dollar cheaper on Amazon.

Is it weird I take mine with me whenever I stay at a hotel?

Final Doorprop Commercial Doorstop Rating: 60 out of 69

Buy it on Amazon:

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Being a flight attendant – Easily the best job I’ve ever had; however, it isn’t for everyone.  Check out some of my experiences and what it may take to be one.

College – Easily the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life. Completely wasted my G.I. Bill on an obsolete institution.  More specifically, make sure to check out my list of blog posts about my experiences at The Art Institute.

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