Dolica LT-D100 Tripod Dolly

Dolica LT-D100 Professional Lightweight and Heavy Duty Tripod Dolly with Adjustable Leg Mounts

When I attended “film school”, the dolly I used in a class weighed like 100lbs and had tires you could pump air in.  It would be ridiculous of me to expect the same quality of dolly from the Dolica LT-D100 Tripod Dolly.  I’m always on a budget so I thought I’d give it a shot.

I haven’t had much of a chance to use it in the real world, so I did a few test runs with it so you could see for yourself!

Below, I tested the dolly on two different cameras.  The video on the left is a DSLR, and the video on the right is from a video camcorder.

I’ve read for better results, one can put something on the ground like cardboard.  You also should do at least one practice run on your shot so that you know the wheels will turn like you want.

In the end, you would be crazy to expect this dolly to work great on anything not a perfectly smooth surface.

Final Dolica LT-D100 Tripod Dolly Rating: 33 out of 69

Thank you for watching my review of Dolica LT-d100 Tripod Dolly!! Check out some of my other reviews while you are here if you’d like, and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Buy it on Amazon!


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