Experience on Delta, March 2018

In March of 2018, I flew Delta for the first time since I quit working for the airline as a flight attendant on their regional carrier, Comair.  Boy howdy, have they ever been in the upgrade mode ever since!

Keep in mind that my last flight with them was way back in 2011, so they’ve had a few days to update their experience.  Each plane I was in (mostly 717’s) had entertainment systems on every seat.  There was at least one USB port in each row of seats (2 seats had 1 USB port, 3 seats had 2 USB ports).

Delta’s fuselage has been upgraded big time.

They got rid of their peanuts and trademark pretzel packs.  However, they were replaced with something called Pretzel Perfection Snack Mix (Amazon has three 3oz bags for $10.99 – I wonder if Delta is paying this price, holy cow!  Basically I’m gonna try to load up next time I’m on Delta, haha).  And this something is amazing!  Of course, they still have the Biscoff cookies.  They probably will never get rid of those.  I had plenty of passengers that told me that they flew on Delta because of those cookies.  I laughed.  I gave them extra cookies when they deplaned.  They smiled.

Whenever I have a connecting flight at a hub of the airline I’m flying on, I always go to the self-service kiosk to “check-in” again.  If they need volunteers to get off a flight,

Delta auctions seats on oversold flights

I put $250 for a voucher.  I didn’t get it.  I didn’t even hear any gate agents call for any volunteers, nor did anyone look like a volunteer at the gate.  Not sure how all of that worked out!  However, there was no “We are overbooked” announcement made, which I’m sure made everyone happy.

In the end, the only downside of my Delta Experience this time around were the two girls I sat next to on one of my flights.  One of them reached up and closed my air vent!!!!  I gave her *that* look.

“Is that OK?” she asked.  I reached up and opened my vent 🙂

I’d pay for those Biscoffs.  Although that Pretzel Perfection was awesome, I wouldn’t pay $10.99 for three little bags.  I love Cool Ranch Doritos.  I wouldn’t pay $5.99 for three little bags of Cool Ranch Doritos!

I get to take another Delta flight in a couple months.  I’m excited for that!  I’ll do a much more detailed post and maybe do a podcast or video on my experience!

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