Congress Acting Like Parents; Its Baby – The Military – Suffers

You might be wondering why we refer to the military as Congress’s Baby. The Chicken Hawks, in particular, might be scratching their feathery heads over this one.

If you’ve ever been in the military, you know it’s filled with a bunch of whiners…and who whines over almost everything that isn’t given to them or for apparently no reason?


What Is the Correlation of Base Names and Funding?

It’s no secret Congress loves to bunch together bills they can’t get passed into a big conglomerate of bills. Just look at the 5,593 page bill for the recent coronavirus stimulus package.

Semi-related note: Did you see Ted Cruz’s commentary on the second stimulus package? Of course, The Hawk Bawk is not a fan of Cruz, but this was pretty entertaining. He really should’ve put all 5,593 pages on that desk though!

It is most shocking President Trump vetoed the military spending bill. However, the Chicken Hawks in Congress voted about 79% to override the veto. Senator Sanders won’t sign it unless he has the $2,000 direct payments to Americans passed.

In the end, the big question remains – why can’t the “stimulus” package be passed without having many other amendments attached to it? It’s no secret Congress does this. It’s so easy to attach any special interest legislation to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) or any other near-guarantee passing bill when the legislation is proving to be difficult to pass.

It’s another area the Chicken Hawks don’t see how they are wrong.

The Military Baby

When I signed up for the military, I took that oath pledging my allegiance to the Constitution. Being raised in a very pro-military environment and being taught in a government education system, I didn’t stand much of a chance of seeing anything other than what was presented to me. I also respected my parents as much as I could – they were older than me and authoritative figures, much like Congress.

One would think they would know best, right?

I’ve always found it strange that people would join the military and be rebellious. It’s absolutely no secret what kind of lifestyle the military leads, yet rebels will still join and be whiny about things.

However, the military does pretty much everything the government wants it to do. In essence, the military is the government’s child…one that obeys almost unquestioned.

America has a system, from birth, to operate in the best interest of government. The Chicken Hawks, even the “anti-government” ones, love it so much since all of the risk and responsibility bears on everyone else but them.

A Well-Written Look at the Coronavirus Stimulus Package

For a well thought out look on the second coronavirus bill, check out the post on the Ron Paul Institute. Of course The Hawk Bawk’s favorite point in the post is that Congress has abandoned one of its two purposes – declaring war.

Could you imagine all of the chaos, waste, and death that could have been averted if all of our military interventions could have been actually talked about and voted on?

Hopefully, one day, sooner or later, the Chicken Hawks will actually want to have war or war-like actions be discussed at length. Even more so, hopefully the Chicken Hawks will actually show how tough they are and go fight the wars themselves without taking money from people who don’t support the wars they want.

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