Back in the yesteryears of yore, I played a bit of Dungeons and Dragons. It was fun to be as creative as you wanted to be, but it was a lot of work! As time went on, I fell out of touch with the game. I recently was going through some old papers and found an old D&D Campaign that I started to create. I’m not going to use it, so you can find it below!
Heck, there’s enough information to even just start to create a world, so have at it! If you make a ton of money from it, throw some my way! 🙂
History of Eberklands
Eberk the Great, from the lands of Hastrands, was a great dwarven warrior known for his good heart and courage. He was a deceiver of evil, smiter of hatred, and the slayer of dragons. Upset with how the lands of Hastrands were turning into a cesspool of thievery and murder, he mustered up a couple ships and a strong crew. His second ship captain was his dear Elven friend, Heian.
They went on a daring adventure over the Never-Ending Ocean (now known as Eberk Waters), and survived everything under the leadership of Eberk, from storms to monsters to lack of fresh food and water. It all came to an end once they hit the unknown lands. These lands flourished with ores, foods, and the climate for crops. Further back in the region, though, grew evil. Undead monsters would wander into Eberk’s territories every so often, but nothing to cause major concern. Eberk and his men quickly claimed a small part of the land, and sent a ship back with the good news. Rumor spread quickly, and lots of boats began showing up.
With all of these beings coming to the new lands also came quick over population, and the maintenance quickly became too rough on the crops and region. Eberk had to set up immigrant limitations, and would immediately send law breakers to the Wild Territory. This is where Heian began to see some pure evil spur out of Eberk, and felt the need to move away. He moved to the lands northeast with a band of elves into the mountains and named the area Heianish. This area is still largely uncharted, so it is a gamble to go, but is very rich in resources.
More on Eberklands and Your History
Eberklands has a couple very wealthy cities and sprawling villages. One major city is named after one of Eberk’s sons, Oskar. One of the strongholds is named after his other son, Ragnork. Other cities include Bethsek, Vestin, Larenok, and Flareth. Another military post is Rath. There is a major river, The Tuland, with many large streams breaking from it. It goes to an ocean after leading through Lake Tuland. Tuland the Dwarf mapped the river and lake. He is also credited for the beginning of The Mountain Trail.
You, ________________, were born in Eberklands. Your parents just recently arrived, and founded a successufl farm near Larenok. They decided to celebrate by having another child because you were so helpful in setting up their farm. Your father also does a little trading in antique items, and your mother sews quilts. You sleep comfortably every night.
One night, one of the farmhands, Greggor, spoke to you after you both finished a hearty meal of your mother’s smoked ham and lettuce. He’s getting bored with the farm live, and wants to experience some more exciting things in life than a couple undead/monster attacks here and there. He has been training under a well-known adventurer in the area, Thore. He plans to head up to Oskar and find some work. You decide to go with him. Greggor jumps up excitedly and runs home, planning to head out in two days.
Greggor Surehorn, Your Companion in this D&D Campaign
Greggor Surehorn is your normal human that you have always had a different sense about. He’s 5’10”, 175 lbs, lightly tanned skin, a nice, big grin, toned muscles, has a recognizable nose from 50 feet away (it’s about the size of his elbow when his nostrils flare up), and has tattoos on each forearm – a mace on the right and morning star on his left.
Greggor loves his long gray tunic with his family crest on the chest – a set of bull horns facing outwards. Under his right eye, he has a scar from the cut of a goblin he fought almost a year ago, but you can barely tell it’s there. He’s always doing just a little better than others in things he asserts himself to, and once he befriends you, you can trust him to have your back no matter what. His parents were mere farmers, and he’s always been ashamed by this. He’s grown up now, and he wants to taste something more than soil and horse manure.
He began training under Thore, a popular, local hero that has protected the area with his small band of warriors, the Thoresome. Greggor once wished to join the Thoresome and turn them into an adventuring posse. This didn’t go along with them because they all have good lives in Larenok, and they wish to protect their homeland.
Greggor, realizing he’ll go insane if he is left under boring conditions, began sparking ideas into the heads of his friends in Larenok. After a whole set of “No’s” and a couple “Maybe’s,” he finally got an OK from his longtime friend, _________________. Greggor leaves his house, which no one has been to, and no one knows where he lives…
Cora Leagallow – The Expert Thief
Cora Leagallow is an expert thief of Eberklands. She is a mighty loner who has never worked with anyone. This doesn’t mean she is nothing to be worried about! She is responsible for unearthing the tomb of the mighty King Hastrands about 10 years ago, which caused turmoil in Hastrands for quite some time until his curses and ghosts were put back in the tomb. Word has it that she made it out of there with at least 50,000 gold in treasures. The Band of United Vigilantes have estimated her worth to be 230,000 gold.
Cora is 2′ 10″ tall, has brown eyes that glisten, dark brown hair, and weighs almost 30 lbs. In the tomb raiding, one of the ghosts flung a fireball at her, and it flew right in front of her, leaving a burn scar under her chin. She keeps it covered up to stay from being recognized. Her style changes day to day.
Nothing more is known of Cora.
The Band of United Vigilantes (The BUV)
The Band of United Vigilantes is a worldwide band of men and women. They wish to see more right in the world and not get caught up in the corrupt police and guard systems that plague it. Introdued by Mandra Ikin, an elven wizard of may winters ago, when he got kicked out of the largest police system in all the lands of Hastlands. He threatened to blackmail the man in the office ahead of him, Driscol Longaxe. Longaxe had been embezzling, but then Mandra got framed by Longaxe one night and got kicked off the force.
Forever despising the police systems, Mandra was inspired to begin an independent, law enforcing group that was supported by local townsfolk who wish to have a safer home. Using his magical powers, Mandra created portals only workable by The Selected to send messages between towns of criminals and crime associated tips. The Selected are a group of highly trusted mages selected by Mandra to relay those messages.
Although life as a Vigilante may seem simple, the Vigilante must always watch his back and the backs of brethren. Not only do they lookout for criminals, but the police and guard also hunt them down. Ever since The Band was created, the need for the guards and police have dropped, which means less money for them. This leads them to attacking Vigilantes.
So why would want to become a Vigilante? For the good! Also, job security is solid. There is always evil in the world, and someone is needed to defeat it. Vigilantes can only identify Vigilantes by a magical mark imbuned on them upon acceptance. If a Vigilante decides to break away from The Band, the mark becomes visible to all. This makes the ex-Vigilante hunted by The Band, the police, the guard, and anyone the Vigilantes ever put away.
Maps of an Old D&D Campaign, Eberklands
Below are some maps I had drawn up. Since these were created in like the year 2000, I don’t have the digital files, but maybe you can use them as inspiration if you need something quick!
One of my favorite things about Dungeons and Dragons was the storytelling aspect of it. You could transport to a different world as the Dungeon Master. I had a few different kinds of dungeon masters in my time, each with strengths and weaknesses.
One approach I liked, if you couldn’t tell, was by having visual aids. I always have preferred movies over books because of the visual aids and time. The DM could tell you about where you are at, and one thing I didn’t enjoy much was having to ask a bunch of questions about where I was. City maps greatly aided in this, especially with tracking everyone’s movements.
Of course, a Player Character shouldn’t have access to a map if the player is unfamiliar with the area or town. One thing you could do is have maps available for purchase of the area or town.
“Am I a Nerd Looking for D&D Campaign Content?”
Of course you are! But who cares!
It’s crazy that we’re so worried about what other people think about what makes us happy. If you find joy in rolling some dice and imaginativitly (that’s not a word) swinging your long sword and dealing 1d8 damage to a kobold dressed like Rosie O’Donnell from East of Eden, by all means! You aren’t hurting anyone and you’re having a good time!
You can do whatever you want with this content! I’d love a link to my site or perhaps let me see what you’re doing with it, just so I know I didn’t spend all this time putting it up for nothing. Just have fun!

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