An Old Letter to Rick Santorum

While I was deployed to Kuwait when I was recalled back into the Army, I kind of abused the mail system. Sending mail was free, so I sent pretty much hundreds of letters to my Senators and Representative about how we were wasting our time, money, and resources in the Middle East. One person I did not write a letter to was Rick Santorum.

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum is one of the Chicken Hawks’ favorite politicians.

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I might be wrong, but while he is talking, all I’m hearing is, “We need to do something, but there’s no way I’m going to risk my life to do anything.”

It’s crazy to me to think that Ron Paul’s point that maybe before we intervene, we should get a declaration of war is so far out there to most. It’s good that there was a cheer from the audience when he said it. It should’ve opened up the ears of Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and Newt Gengrich on stage.

“I don’t want them to get a weapon, but I think that what we’re doing is encouraging them to have a weapon.” – Ron Paul,

In my time, I’ve written a handful of other letters to Congress. I even wrote one to Rick Santorum, but unfortunately, I never sent it. I just found it in a stack of old letters.

The Letter to Rick Santorum

A letter I never sent off to Rick Santorum, a big Chicken Hawk that use to be a Senator.

“Mr. Santorum,

If you believe so deeply about all of our military/CIA interventions abroad, why aren’t you overseas on the frontlines?

Is it morally right for you to steal my money and then use it to kill people I don’t want dead? After my six years in the Army, I believe it is morally wrong to send people off to war – offensive wars. The only life you have to sacrifice is your own.

Please reconsider your thoughts on using my money to find your crusade of death. If you believe Israel needs to be defended, then go over there and defend her yourself with your money. I would love to live in a free country, but I can’t as long as the government pushes war propaganda, is stealing my money, and creates hatred for the U.S.A. Can’t we just mind our own business?

P.S. Operation Ajax actually happened.”

What I Would Change in the Letter Today

This letter was written well over 10 years ago. As I go over things I have written in my 20’s, I can tell I was writing with more emotion than clear thought sometimes.

Getting your point across with fierce language can be met with resistance. The truth hurts so many people, even though it’s true. It should hurt sometimes, but we grow as we fight through the pain. What is it I’ve heard so many Marines say?

Weakness is just pain leaving the body.

Speaking to someone who disagrees with me, I’d change the following about the letter:

  1. Instead of “steal” I’d say “take”. I never consented to having my money taken from me by the government. The Chicken Hawk will quickly state, “But you live here!” If you buy a house, how many papers do you have to sign to purchase the house? How simple would it be for the government to have me sign a paper consenting to take a part of my labor to kill whoever they want with it?
  2. I wouldn’t use such flavorful language like “crusade of death”.
  3. I would repeat more often that if they think war or intervention needs to happen, they should be the ones doing it. For the life of me I can’t find who did it, but one Chicken Hawk was all about war until he was told he had to go. He then changed his mind. That is one of the most convincing arguments from my experience.

Why didn’t I send off the letter?

I was a little surprised when I found the letter, but I thought it could be used to teach a bit. There are a few mistakes (especially that “your”) and I wouldn’t have sent off something like this. It’s also 2022 – is Rick Santorum doing anything? Is it worth sending it now if he’s doing nothing?

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Apparently he was fired from CNN in 2021 after 4 and a half years. That’s a shock in itself! But we’ll always have this gem from Lewis Black. Make sure you stay until the end because he really speaks the truth there!

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