When I returned from Iraq the second time, I went heavy on trying to open people’s eyes about what was going on in the Middle East when it came to the United States. Even if you believed we should be over there, you should at least be wary of all the waste in spending. My website at the time, SADplayer.com (oooo…it’s available!), was my hub for spreading the truth about it.
It was hard. There was so much pushback to what I was doing. I remember one guy on Yahoo! Answers bragging about how his son was in Basic Training. He claimed they were doing 5 mile ruck sack runs. Considering I didn’t even do anything like that, and knowing after my time in Recruiting that Basic Training was becoming so soft, I concluded his son was just telling stories.
However, an email I received one day from my website was eye-opening. Somehow, a kid found my website while he was on Christmas Exodus from Basic Training, and it wasn’t a good email.
How Soft Did Army Basic Training Get? Here’s What an Army Recruit on Christmas Exodus Had to Say

“I am in Basic Training right now, but am home for Christmas exodus. In two days I have to return to finish the last two weeks of Basic Training. Basic training has scared me in a bad way so far. I, like you, solely joined the Army to serve my country, only I joined the National Guard for my initial training. Basic suprised [sic] me in that there is absolutely no smoking sessions, no discipline, and people in my platoon have had prior depression and drug issues, etc. When I deploy, I know I am in more danger with this lower standard. I can’t trust half o the people I have met in training to watch my back.
In short, I am completely disgusted with the Army so far, and I wish I hadn’t joined.
My question for you is: What would happen to me if I decided to not show up for the remainder of Basic Training and just stayed home after the holidays?
Thank you for any advice you can provide.”
A Painful Letter
This letter hurt in many ways.
First, I understood this kid’s pain. I genuinely only joined the Army to serve my country.
Second, it hurt that Basic Training had become so easy. I thought it was easy when I went through! It also affirmed what I had experienced in Recruiting from 2005-2007. Soldiers were saying it was really easy, even having the option to do a “high speed” or low stress Basic Training.
Third, it hurt so bad that I had to tell this kid to essentially go back to training. You don’t have to go to Basic Training after you sign your contract. When you make that trip to Basic Training, you’re locked in. If he didn’t go back, he would technically be AWOL and would face punishment.
They say “Manners maketh man,” but I believe Integrity is a real test of a man’s character.
Is the Army for You?
The Army was a big part of my life. I decided very early on to join and actually committed. I joined right out of high school. You can see my thoughts about the Army, my time as an Infantryman, the Individual Ready Reserve, and an Army Recruiter.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Enlisting isn’t a decision you should make lightly – it’s not like you can just quit whenever you want!
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