If you’re a movie fan, it’s exciting to hear when a movie is filmed near you. If you grew up in a desolate, remote land like South Dakota, it’s even more exciting! As a kid, I enjoyed going to Badlands National Park and climbing on the national park’s features. Sliding down them was the most fun! Then finding out my favorite guilty pleasure movie, Starship Troopers, was filmed there made it even more of a special place!
However, now as a grown up, I still appreciate Badlands National Park even more.
Until this summer, it has been a long while since I’ve visited the Badlands. What prompted my return was when I received an Annual Pass from the U.S. National Park Service. These passes are normally $80 a year, but I won mine through Sweetie’s Secret Sweeps! If you like entering sweepstakes, it’s definitely a place to find them! Pay special attention to the state sweepstakes in the state you reside.
If you are former military, you can get a lifetime pass for free!
The Other-Worldly Beauty of Badlands National Park

These photos were all taken on a Nikon D7500 with various lenses.
Negativity Sticks out Like a Sore Thumb!
This trip to Badlands National Park showed me places like this are an essential for parents. Kids were running around like wild animals! That’s key in wearing kids down so parents can get some rest (parenting advice from a non-parent, ha).
The vast majority of kids were running around laughing, climbing, and playing. When the families were returning to cars, however, it was a different story. Many of the kids were screaming, pouting, and sad!
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