Some Favorite Trailer Park Boy Moments – Oh! It’s on! With Juan and Sean

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Do you like yourself a greasy sitcom? Join the boys Juan and Sean talking about The Boys in some of their Favorite Trailer Park Boys Moments! Trailer Park Boys is a perfect show to have running in the background once you’ve seen every episode. Sometimes, though, it’ll distract you too much from what you are trying to accomplish!

We even did some reviews with Zane of season 12 when it was released! Listen here or watch on YouTube!

Trailer Park Beginnings

In a strange turn of events, Sean discovered Trailer Park Boys on a random meet up with someone he met on the internet. Although Sean wasn’t high when Trailer Park Boys was turned on, the show stuck with him. He didn’t really get in to it until a couple years later, and has been spreading the good news ever since!

Who Is Your Favorite Trailer Park Boys Character?

Isn’t this a hard question? There are too many to choose from that are so great!

Ricky – Rickyisms are iconic!

Bubbles -What a lovable, loyal friend! Kitties!

Julian – Tough exterior, but is loyal to no end.

J-Roc – Know’m’sayin! (can’t have too many of those)

T – Holds it down when J-Roc is gone.

Jacob – Remember when he tried to be Julian?

Thomas Collins – One of Sean’s favorite characters for sure. How that little guy intimidated Ricky was quite shocking!

Trevor / Cory – Oh boy, they’re good for a laugh!

Randy – Mr. Lahey! I got soap in my eyes!

Mr. Lahey – I’m mowing the air, Rand!

It’s too hard to pick one, and they all have so many memorable moments! The women are not as wild, at least not until Susan showed up!

We’d Like to Hear from You!

What are some of your favorite Trailer Park Boys moments? Let us know and we’ll make sure to include your comments in a future episode!

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